Pleasure Applied Practice For Conscious Liberation

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It is such an honour to close the first season of the Empowered Embodiment Podcast and tie off 2020 with this conversation with Kalah Hill.

Kalah is a Freedom Doulah, Pleasure Activist and Receptivity Alchemist. A few weeks ago, in a private conversation I had with Kalah, she said to me "Black Feminism will save the world," and at that moment I knew I needed to have Kalah on the podcast, especially after the unearthing year we’ve all just endured. I knew she would offer a great perspective on the year we’ve had and the year that lies ahead.

We talk about the necessary role pleasure plays in liberation, the interconnectedness of our liberation and how our individual pleasures/liberation will look/mean/feel different for everyone. Listen closely as Kalah rhymes off a number of her inspirations ranging from Audrey Lorde, Toni Morrison, Adrienne Maree Brown, Sonya Renee Taylor and Kalah's BFF, mutual friend and former guest on this podcast, Dana Regan.

We hope you enjoy this listen and find 1-3 simple ways to ritualize pleasure in your life. As this year comes to a close, Kalah wishes you the ability to find gratitude for 2020's gift of 2020 vision and dreams of a 2021 where we all dedicate ourselves to the work of becoming more receptive.

Check out Kalah’s work: She has an upcoming group workshop that begins Jan 11 2021 called 10 Keys to Receiving Love. What would be possible if we all invested in love more?

Would love to know your thoughts on this conversation! Feel free to comment below or reach out via email. What pleasure are you grateful for? What are you calling in?

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