Guided Meditation : Seeding Better Futures

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Here’s is an 8min meditation that aims activate your third-eye wisdom in order to envision and seed better, equitable and compassionate futures.

We are such a powerful species - to both our detriment and our hopeful evolution. Collectively, we have such creative power to shape futures that can help heal and recover from the past. Seeding better futures requires ALL OF US to wake up to our importance. You are important. You matter. You are such an impactful being. Don’t let doubt or oppressive and antiquated belief systems keep you asleep to your creative power. Other people’s freedom - your freedom - depend on your awareness and agency.

What seeds will you plant and cultivate so that all beings can be free? What small actions can you take to help carry the burden of peace? Peace and freedom can’t happen without it. So wake up from doubt or insecurity and get planting. For you. For us. Sacred reciprocity.

A big loving thanks to DATU for this invitation to collaborate. Check out their soundcloud for their entire meditation series with other guides, as well as their music on the other side of the spectrum that gets your blood pumping and body moving! Here’s to more cultivation of full-spectrum expression.